07.12.2023 17:30-19:00

Membership meeting at Tromsø Kunstforening

Welcome to a membership meeting in Tromsø Kunstforening!
Going forward, we want to increase membership activity in the association and we invite you to a meeting for new and old members where everyone can share their input on what this may entail.

At the meeting, we will give a brief introduction to the new premises and the opening exhibition of the Material Bank for Creative Projects. We will also talk about our plans for the future, and have a conversation about what you as members want membership in the association to offer.

As a member, you get:
- the pleasure of owning one of the country's oldest art organisations
- the right to vote at the annual meeting
- invitations to all openings and other member events by email
- 10% discount on purchases of art or books at TKF
- the opportunity to win works of art in the raffle held at the annual meeting.

If you are unable to attend the meeting but would like to give input, please contact us at post@tromsokunstforening.no.

Do you want to become a member? Sign up here:


Mellomvegen 82, 9007 Tromsø


Mellomvegen 82, 9007 Tromsø

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