08.12.2022 19:00-22:00

Book launching - ‘One cup gives ten in return’

By Søssa Jørgensen & Geir Tore Holm

We are pleased to invite you to the launch of the book:
‘One cup gives ten in return’
by Søssa Jørgensen & Geir Tore Holm.
Collaboration 1992-2022.

The book contains texts related to the artists' three collaborative projects Gallery with Balcony, Sørfinnset School/The North Land and Øvre Ringstad Farm.

From the book's cover: ‘They create engagement. The projects often take on an innovative form in that the seemingly simple is actually layer upon layer of sensitivity anchored in context. With quirky twists and critical and multifaceted gazes, both existential and universal questions are connected to you, me, place, here and now.’

The publication is produced with support from the Arts Council Norway, Kristiansand Kunsthall and Tromsø Kunstforening/Romssa Dáiddasiida.


Muségata 2, 9008 Tromsø



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