08.03.2025 19:00-21:00


with Frank Lawrence, Estelle Ribeyre, Emmanuel Piton, Pauline Creuzé, Libbie Katsev and others.

Doors and bar opens: 18:45

Free Entrance

Taking place in Tromsø Kunstforening’s upper floor, Polar Film Lab will present an exciting new ‘live cinema work ‘Atterganger’. Haunting images and sound meet, overlap and fade in this performance, evoking ghosts and ghost-stories.

Over the past two weeks, Frank Lawrence, Estelle Ribeyre and Emmanuel Piton from Labo K have been in residence at Polar Film Lab working with 3 PFl artists, Libbie Katsev, Jacqueline Kärcher and Pauline Creuzé. Playing with cameras, chemistry, projectors and sound, they have created ‘Atterganger’.

This collaboration with Polar Film Lab follows a similar project with Harkat Studio in Bombay and Leboratorio Experimental de Cine in Mexico City.

The project is generously supported by: Kulturrådet - Arts Council Norway, Sparebank1 Nord-Norge and Tromsø kommune.


Tromsø Kunstforening
, Mellomveien 82, 9007


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