25.03.2024 15:00-17:00

Artist presentations - Caitlin Franzmann and Laura Põld

Down in the Bog: Hibernation

Welcome to two artist presentations at Tromsø Art Academy.
«Art, Ecology and Enchantment» by Caitlin Franzmann and «Attempts to stage a landscape» by Laura Põld.

The artists are visiting Tromsø as part of the exhibition project 'Down in the Bog: Hibernation' composed by Karolin Tampere at Tromsø Kunstforening - Romssa Dáiddasiida.

Caitlin Franzmann is an artist based in Brisbane, Australia. She creates installations, sonic experiences, performances, and social practice works that focus on place-based knowledge and embodied practices. She originally trained as an urban planner, working for several years in policy and strategic planning. Since 2010, she has been working with Ensayos, a collective research initiative focused on ecopolitical issues impacting Tierra del Fuego and other archipelagos.

Laura Põld is an artist, educator, and curator living in Tallinn and Vienna. She is currently working as Visiting Associate Professor at the Estonian Academy of Arts, Department of Installation and Sculpture. Põld studied ceramics at the Estonian Academy of Arts in Tallinn (BA), painting at the University of Tartu (MA) and sculptural conceptions and ceramics at the University of Art and Design, Linz (MA). Laura Põld is working in interdisciplinary crafts and sculpture-based practice. Her work explores the history of crafts, environmental history, fundamental human and more-than-human skills and needs, including community, safety and shelter. Her often large- scale installations either take over or interfere with the allocated venue and its historical and political context. Embracing neurodiversity, Põld’s practice is also an ongoing commitment to fostering awareness and inclusion for diverse perspectives in the art world.

Karolin Tampere is part of the research group Worlding Northern Art (WONA) at the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education at UiT - The Arctic University of Norway. The exhibition is part of Karolin Tampere's ongoing research as a PhD fellow in artistic research at Tromsø Art Academy - UiT The Arctic University of Norway and The Faculty of Fine Art, University of Bergen.


Strandvegen 100J, 9006 Tromsø



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