26.05.2024 12:00-16:00

Dream Academy seminar #1

The Dream Academy is a self-organized art academy for everyone, which is in the process of being established in Tromsø. The Dream Academy builds on the premise that art education is a form of lifelong learning where artistic practice, theoretical reflection and everyday life meet. On Sunday 26 May we are organizing the second in a series of seminars and gatherings that explore the possibilities for experimental and informal approaches to what art education can be today. This first "trial semester" runs from April to August 2024. The program is open to all interested parties, and there are no formal requirements that one must follow the entire program or sign up.

Today's seminar follows up from the start in April. We will read and discuss together an extract from the book Dream Academy. We then work in smaller groups with proposals for further programming and working methods for the Dream Academy, which are presented and discussed together at the end. Finally, there will be some time for socialising around a bonfire in the backyard.


Kurant Visningsrom, Hansjordnesgata 1B


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